Based on the results of the verification carried out by the 2023 Agricultural Census Field Officer Selection Committee Team (ST2023), the following points are conveyed:
1. List of prospective ST2023 field officers who were declared PASS of the administrative selection can be seen in Appendix 1.
2. Prospective ST2023 field officers who DID NOT PASS the administrative selection because they did not meet the assessment, namely
a. The specifications for prospective officers are contained in the announcement of the open recruitment of ST2023 field officers
b. Criteria on the google form page which has been filled in by the prospective officer.
3. Prospective officers who are declared to have PASSED the administrative selection MUST take part in the Competency Selection which will be carried out ONLINE through BPS e-learning on
Day/Date : Saturday, March 25, 2023
Time: 07.00 – 13.00 WITA
URL : Registration Key : 7317_ST2023
4. Technical instructions related to BPS e-learning can be seen in Appendix 2.
5. SPECIFICALLY for 4 sub-districts, namely Bassesangtempe, Latimojong, Walenrang, and Walenrang Barat, the number of registrants has not met the quota of officers, so a special selection will be carried out in those areas.
6. The decision of the selection committee is absolute and cannot be contested.